Newsletter March 2024

An elderly couple decided to treat themselves to a meal out. They arrived at the restaurant, only to be told that they were very busy, and as they had not pre-booked, there would be a 45-minute wait.

'Young man, we are both in our 90's, we may not have 45 minutes'.

They were seated immediately!!

That story will raise a smile, I am sure but, as the gentleman implied, none of us know how much time we have.

If we are going on a journey, we plan everything to the 'nth' degree. We used to get the map out, some still do prefer a map rather than up to date gadgets.

In this day of modern technology lots of people will rely on a 'sat nav' to get them from A to B.

Which road is the best option? Country lane, motorway, toll road, avoiding busy roads?

What time of day is it best to travel?

But do we think about our lives in the same way? Do we plan how we are going to live or just leave it to 'chance'?

In the Bible we read that Jesus had told His closest friends that he was going to be with His Father.

In John chapter 14, Thomas said, 'Lord, we don't know where you are going. How can we know the way?'

Jesus said, 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father except through me.'

Jesus came from heaven as a baby and spent the last three years of His life teaching and healing. He had lots of opposition and threats to His life, which resulted in the chief priests and elders planning to put him to death. After his barbaric death on the cross, the centurion who was standing guard, said, 'Surely this man was the Son of God'. We can only imagine the profound effect this had on the centurion.

Often major things happen in our lives that will change our thinking and our priorities and then, the direction we are headed in.

This, then, is a good time to turn to God through Jesus...He died so that we can have a full life if we trust in Him. We can bring all our faults and failings to God and will receive forgiveness and a fresh new start with God as our constant companion.


Our Church TLC, the Little Chapel with a Big Heart

Find us in Dychurch Lane, NN29 7JP

We meet on the first Sunday of every month for Bitesize@10.

Come and share an hour with us in a relaxed atmosphere with a bacon roll, juice, tea and coffee.

We chat and have a catch upon each other’s news, then end with a short thought-provoking 'Thought for the Day' to see us through the week.

The door will be open, come and spend some time with us, all are welcome! Bring a friend!

Each other Sunday of the month we meet at 2.30pm. We are a friendly bunch of people and would love to welcome you.


Upcoming dates for your diary

Coffee Morning is held every Thursday from 10 till 11.30am. Tea, coffee, biscuits, and toast are on offer and a chat with friends. Come and make new friends, Jan and her team will be delighted to welcome you.


The new men's group

At the time of writing, this new venture has not got a name. That is their first task, to name it. They meet at TLC every Thursday from 12.30, with soup and a roll, tea and coffee.

All men are invited. Get together with other men, spend some time together and plan activities! It's your group, you decide!


Saturday 30th March @6pm

is the 'Between Service'- between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

We are having a short time of reflection, with hymns and readings, followed by light refreshments.


Sunday 31st March is Easter Sunday

Our service will be led by Mike and Jenny Clark from the Salvation Army.

They are amazing musicians and have such a lot to offer.

We know we will have a great time together.

Come and celebrate Jesus' resurrection with us at 2.30pm

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