Have you ever had hopes and
dreams of great things for your life but feared they would never be realised?
Once three trees were discussing what they would like to happen to them. The first tree wanted to be made into a treasure chest and filled with gold, silver and precious stones.
The second tree expressed a wish to be made into a mighty ocean-going liner and transport kings across the world.
The third tree said he wanted to be remembered as the tallest tree in the forest and point to heaven.
Many years passed and one day a woodcutter walked through the woods and chose the trees he wanted.
He chose the first tree and sold it to a carpenter; the tree was happy knowing he could be made into a treasure chest.
The second tree was chosen and the woodcutter sold it to a boatyard; the tree was happy, knowing that he would become a mighty ship.
The woodcutter saw the third tree and, although he had no need for it yet, he cut it down thinking that at some point he would find a use for it. The tree was not happy knowing his dreams would not come true.
When the first tree arrived at the carpenters he was made into a feeding box for animals. One day a man and lady needing shelter arrived; the lady gave birth to her baby son and laid him in the animals feeding trough. The tree somehow knew the importance of this new arrival and what a treasure he was.
The second tree was indeed made into a boat, not the grand ship he had envisaged but a small fishing boat. One day, as it was bobbing along the edge of the shore, a group of men came along and set sail, hoping to catch some fish. While they were out on the water one of the men fell fast asleep. A great storm came up . The boat was certain he would not withstand the waves and the men thought they would surely drown. The fishermen woke the sleeping man who stood up and called out ‘Peace’. The storm stopped, and peace returned. The second tree knew that he was carrying a very important person, Jesus, the King of Kings.
The third tree was pushed to the back of the wood store, but eventually was brought out. He was taken through crowded streets, people were mocking and jeering the man who was carrying him. He was taken up to the top of a hill and was stood upright.The man carrying him was nailed to the tree and left to die. Two days later the tree realised he had held God’s Son and that he would be remembered for ever because of the death of Jesus.
Yes, just a story, but I hope you agree - worth repeating.
Easter will soon be with us. Come and remember this important time in the life of the Christian calendar, the time when we reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus.
In the Bible there is a verse that is so encouraging.
Jeremiah Chapter 29 vv 11- 13
’For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.’
Coffee Morning continues to thrive. Call in for a cuppa and a chat any Thursday morning from 10am onwards. Jan will give you a warm welcome.
We meet for worship every Sunday at 2.30pm (except for the 1st Sunday of the month - see below). Our time together is quite informal, we don’t stand on ceremony - come and join us and see for yourself.
We continue to meet on the first Sunday of every month for Bitesize@10.
Come and share some time with us over a bacon roll, tea, coffee and juices. We chat and catch up on each others good news, then have a short Thought for the Day to see us through the week!
The door is open and all are welcome. Come and bring a friend.
A date for your diary.
This year our fellowship celebrates 170 years as a chapel in the village.
We will be marking this occasion at our Family Day service on Sunday 12th June at 2.30pm.
We will be welcoming Rev David Bracken and his family to lead our worship. David was a member of our church until he followed his calling to become a full-time minister at a church in Coventry.
We are really looking forward to seeing them again.