Newsletter June 2024

Who cares??

Has that ever been said to you.

'My football team lost at the weekend. ' 'So..? Who cares?'

'Don't you recycle your rubbish?' 'No....who cares?

People will say this, meaning it doesn't matter to them, that it is not important to them. Has it ever been said to you and although you didn't show it, you were really hurt by it?

We read in the Bible that God cares.

In Matthew chapter 6 v 26 it tells us that God cares for the birds, it says they do not sow or reap or store in barns., but God provides for them. It also tells us that God knows all about us, he even knows how many hairs there are on your head!!

He cares for us and wants the best for us.

 If you are a parent you may remember when your child came running for your help; you dropped everything to show your deep love, to comfort, mend the broken toy, wipe the blood from the injured knee....that's how God loves us ...but even more than it is possible for us to love.

When you are in trouble, when you are sad, or grieving or ill or just don't know which way to turn....turn to God.

Jesus was in the deepest need..his enemies were going to arrest and crucify Him, and He prayed to His Heavenly Father.

 You ask, 'But what do I say?' 'How do I pray?'

'God, I am facing an impossible situation and I need your help to guide me to make the right choice.'

'Lord, in my time of sorrow give me strength, be my comforter and may I feel your love and compassion.'

You don't need to look for Him as He is only a prayer away.


We would love to see you any Sunday at 2.30pm (except the first Sunday..see below)  when we share together. We are a friendly group of people and would make you most welcome.

On the first Sunday of each month we  have Bizesize @10. We enjoy each others company and have bacon rolls, croissants, tea, coffee and juice. it’s a more informal time together when we chat, catch up on each others news, then Peter Norton gives us a Thought for the Day to see us through the week.

Coffee Morning is on Thursdays from 10am. Jan will welcome you and serve tea, coffee, toast and biscuits.


Men of Bozeat is a new group  that has recently started. It is held on the last Thursday of each month. There have been some interesting speakers but it is your group so you decide what you want to happen each month.

They meet at TLC from 12.30, with soup and a roll, tea and coffee. If you have nothing planned on a Thursday ...... go and give them a try!


2 dates for your diary

Friday 21st June

 Summer Songs of Praise at 7.30pm Bozeat Windmill Singers will be there and guest artists. Come and sing some old favourites and maybe learn a new song or two.

Sunday 23rd June-

 We will be celebrating. Our church building will be 172 years old. Come and join us. The service will be lead by Mike and Chrissie Baldwin from Milton Keynes. Tea will be served after the service.



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