You may have heard this story before, but it is worth repeating.
A man had a dream, he dreamt there were two rooms. He entered the first room and could see a table spread with all kinds of wonderful food; but there was such commotion, arguing and angry voices. He was puzzled; Why were the people not enjoying the delicious food? Then he noticed that the only cutlery provided were spoons with very long handles. It was impossible to get the food into their own mouths as the spoons were longer than their arms. He stood and watched with sadness, then slowly turned around and left.
He decided to have a look in the second room. He hesitated before entering, dreading what he may see. Taking a deep breath he turned the door handle; before the door was fully open he could hear a great noise. Not arguing and angry voices though; there was laughing and singing and a real party atmosphere. He peeped in and noticed the room was set exactly as the first room, delicious food, long handled spoons. But why so different? As he looked he could plainly see what made the difference; everyone was feeding someone else, helping each other and sharing.
In the Bible in John 13 v 34 - 35, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Love each other as I have loved you; by this people will know that you are my followers’.
How did Jesus show His love? We have recently marked the most important day in the Christian calendar, Easter, when Jesus gave his life by dying on the cross and by His resurrection; that’s how He showed his love.
How can we show our love to those around us? By caring! We are asked to pray for each other and support those in need. It may not be a physical need. The Bible tells us to cry with those who are crying, be happy with those who are celebrating. Have compassion, be tenderhearted and courteous; that’s how we can show we are Christ-followers.
During Lent we joined with St Mary’s and Cafe Connections to mark this special week. There were lots of activities throughout the week and at TLC hosted two lunches of homemade soup and cheese. We did not do it as a fund raiser, but there was a plate for donations. We were able to send £175 to Emmaus, the charity for the homeless just over the border in Carlton, Bedfordshire.
We also showed the film Risen on Good Friday; a powerful account of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Open Door meets on Wednesdays from 6.30 for younger KS2 and 7.30pm for older KS2.
All:Starz meet on Thursdays at 6pm for one hour.
Both activities are Christian based youth clubs with fun, games and tuck shop.
For more information ring Ellie on 07816 145187.
At TLC Jan continues serving coffee, tea and toast on Thursday mornings from 10 until 11.30am. You will be made very welcome; call in and enjoy a chat with friends.
Remember ‘Tweet other as you want to be tweeted!’